building appraisal
Building appraisal

What is a building appraisal?
When talking about a building valuation, it is necessary to take into account that their respective valuation is within the category considered and referring to real estate appraisals, which is why they are the most efficient means of knowing the fair value of the property or land that is desired. buy.
What is the purpose of valuing a building?
This type of appraisal is useful for individuals or legal entities to know the value of their property in relation to their cadastre, and in this way calculate and set the property tax. that must be paid in treasury, estimating based on the unit values of the land as well as the parameters indicated within the Federal Tax Code.
When carrying out an appraisal of a property, the main advantage of people is the certainty that they will buy, sell or rent a place to live at a reasonable cost, which will give the person a sense of security when carrying out any procedure, and it will be possible for sellers to set a price appropriate to the location.
Another reason why a property valuation may be necessary is to request a mortgage loan, because when releasing this credit, banking institutions require the valuation of the property in question.
What aspects are taken into account in appraisals?
- Age of the property
- Square meters regarding construction
- Entire surface
- Conditions of conservation
- Quality in finishes
- That there is an electrical installation as well as hydraulic and gas.
- Location, which also considers elements such as:
- Drinking water, accessibility to transportation and public lighting, electricity, urban growth, electricity, shops, shopping centers, restaurants, parks, schools and any surrounding property that provides services and that at the same time offers security.
- The above characteristics allow us to determine the state of the property as well as the habitability conditions, which will ensure the quality of life of the inhabitants, which in turn is defined as the real value of the property.
Who is authorized to carry out an appraisal?
The valuation can only be carried out by an expert appraiser, who has a professional license from the SEP, which supports and qualifies him as a property appraiser. Likewise, depending on the objective of the appraisal, he must be registered in other institutions.
Taking into account article 3 of the Federal Tax Code, below are the institutions authorized to value:
- Credit institutions.
- Public brokers who have a current registration with the Ministry of Economy.
- Valuation Companies, and/or Professional Appraisers
What is the validity of a real estate appraisal?
In general, appraisals of this type are valid for six months and because of this it is important to establish the needs and choose the most convenient.
Types of constructions to be valued
The types of buildings that an expert is authorized to value are:
- Office buildings
- Commercial buildings
- Industrial buildings
- buildings on ranches
- Gas stations
- Motels
- Theaters
- Hotels
What aspects have to be taken into account in the different types of constructions?
- Design: One of the essential aspects that encompass residential construction is the architectural design, this being an important characteristic to consider an optimal distribution that conforms to it, whether at a dimensional or location level.
- Land: This is linked to the architectural space designed in relation to the area they occupy.
- Style to market: Both design and style are directly linked to the market, regardless of how good the type is, the value of the house will decrease if buyers reject it or it will grow if they prefer the design or style.
- Utility or Functional Uselessness: A building that is functionally useful shows an optimal distribution and design, both the dimensions and the form of distribution are adequate, providing a lot of ventilation and lighting, etc., so that the set of all these elements makes it attractive and comfortable.
- Appropriate Design: Appraisers must have knowledge of local conditions as well as basic layout designs to provide a sound valuation for homes of any type.
With Anepsa Global it is possible for this and other types of appraisals to be carried out, contact us by leaving your information or sending a message through our social networks, we are here to provide you with advice and guide you, so that you know what type of appraisal is best for you.